How does bouquet toss work

Make a real feature of the bouquet toss by choosing an appropriate song, possibly something about single or independent women, and having the MC announce that all the unmarried girls should take to the dance floor. You can combine the bouquet toss with throwing the garter for true impact. Have the single woman that catches the bouquet dance with the single man that catches the garter, but choose a funny song so that nobody takes it too seriously. Check with your florist whether they will include a throwing bouquet with your real bouquet.

Try to find something of a similar weight, or possibly even buy a cheap bunch of flowers and have a trial run in your garden. You may want your maid of honour or your sister to be the next one to walk down the aisle, but trying to aim your bouquet so someone specific catches it rarely works. Rather than trying to have a contrived bouquet toss, just give the lady in question your bouquet. They may have done a lot during the planning process.

Giving them the bouquet is a wonderful way to say thank you! Who says you have to throw flowers, or give away your gorgeous bouquet that you want to keep? You can always throw, or give something else away.

Maybe you have a dance competition, but instead of giving your bridal bouquet as the prize, you give them a bouquet of candy bars, or scratch off tickets. You can get really creative with your giveaway idea and keep it in line with your wedding theme. Always remember this is your wedding day!

You get to decide how the celebration will go. It is perfectly fine to not have any type of bouquet toss event at the wedding. We love to hear from YOU! Drop us a comment, like, or send us an email if you enjoyed this blog post. You can follow us on Instagram and Facebook for updates about our blogs and weddings. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions: Katharine katharinemannevents.

The Modern Bouquet Toss: The bouquet toss in modern times is a symbol of good luck. The bouquet toss should be about the length of a song. If you know early on that this is a tradition that you want to incorporate into your wedding, then you might want to consider opting for a second, smaller bouquet. Some brides fear that the bouquet toss unfairly singles out their unmarried friends.

Being single at a wedding is hard enough without broadcasting your relationship status by participating in the bouquet toss. It can also be quite dangerous, with a horde of women jumping up and down in their heels and wrestling on the floor to get the bouquet. The bouquet toss tradition has been around for centuries, which is great for brides who want to incorporate these classic traditions into their wedding. Brides who want their wedding to be more modern can still incorporate this tradition into their reception with a fun twist.

Tailor this tradition to you and your guests. If you know your single girlfriends are looking forward to the bouquet toss and are excited about the potential friendly competition, do it! Wedding traditions are only as traditional as you make them! Your Privacy Rights. To change or withdraw your consent choices for Brides. At any time, you can update your settings through the "EU Privacy" link at the bottom of any page. Of course, if your bouquet is composed of real flowers, it will eventually wilt, but there are ways to preserve a few blooms to commemorate the day.

Asking for these items back once tossed might strike some as strange, especially if they subscribe to the superstition surrounding the practice. Opening photo by KingenSmith. Cons - You may make some feel uncomfortable — including yourselves.


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