Learn more about being an advocate. Citizen Advocacy is built upon the belief in the power and competence of the ordinary citizen to care and connect to others and to make a lifelong commitment to stand by, for and with another person, through good times and through challenging ones. We are built upon the belief in the power and competence of the ordinary citizen to care and connect to others and to make a lifelong commitment through the good times and through the challenging ones.
Many of these commitments last a lifetime. Citizen Advocacy is a means to promote, protect and defend the welfare and interests of, and justice for, persons who are impaired in competence or diminished in status, or seriously physically or socially isolated, through one-to-one unpaid voluntary commitment made to them by people who have relevant skills and resources.
A world in which each life is valued, protected and celebrated for its uniqueness, through a vested relationship. Advocate Independence Each Citizen Advocacy relationship is freely given. Diversity of Relationships The range of advocate roles and the nature of advocacy relationships are very diverse.
Advocates choose, together with their partner, the direction and content of their relationship. Citizen Advocacy coordinators orient and support the advocates in these choices. Program Independence The Citizen Advocacy office maintains its independence from other human service organizations to help ensure that advocates will not have conflicts of interests.
Clarity of Staff Function Citizen Advocacy coordinators do not act as advocates, and the program does not engage in other forms of advocacy. Further, some people with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to unfair treatment, exploitation, neglect, abuse and isolation. This disadvantage and vulnerability that people with disability experience in their lives creates a need to have someone who:. People with a disability who are experiencing disadvantage and vulnerability in their lives need allies, and citizen advocacy is one of the most significant ways that such alliances can be established and supported.
The most common negative life experiences of people with intellectual disability include. There are a variety of different roles that a Citizen Advocate may adopt in order to understand and represent a vulnerable persons interests. Skip to content. What is Citizen Advocacy. Ally — to stand with a person during good times and bad times. Monitor — to evaluate and hold human service organizations accountaible for their actions.
Mentor — to offer guidance, affirmation, and direction through your presence, personal example, and advice. Opportunity Maker — to arrange for a perosn to take advantage of new or better opportunities in our community in work, education, civic involvement, neighborhood involvement, or leisure.