Can you crit towers lol

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Dota 2 Store Page. Your towers do nothing. Could stun someone under towers for days, wouldn't kill them. There is no counter play to that lol. You gotta try and rethink your balancing, cause damn. Showing 1 - 15 of 32 comments.

Fistraiser View Profile View Posts. Pick ogre and make someone else pick chen. Then you see how strong tower can be. Crab View Profile View Posts. Which champion has the highest base attack damage? Does Yone Q count as a basic attack? Does Yone Q proc on hit effects? Is Crit an on hit effect LoL? Is on-hit or crit Yi better? Can magic damage crit? Login Social Login. Create Account Social Register. Vote Vote. Neeko Build Guide by lol Wero [ Build Guide By lol Wero Follow. Guide Discussion 24 More Neeko Guides.

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Blooming Burst Q Q. Shapesplitter W W. Tangle-Barbs E E. Pop Blossom R R. Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny. Show All. None Low Ok Strong Ideal. Extreme Threats. Ideal Synergies. Ideal Strong Ok Low None.

Neeko counters well. Neeko gets countered. I've been playing League of Legends since Season 2. I've been playing This AD Crit Neeko build ever since her release and I'm happy to finally share it to everyone who is interested on it. I also achieved Masters for the first time with this build last season and I'm maintaining Masters with this build. Only with Neeko , she has a more kill potential with Tangle-Barbs.

Neeko s Shapesplitter passive has decent damage while auto attacking and movement speed helps a lot with the kiting. Neeko also has good synergies with a lot of junglers for a very good early 2v2. This play style is pretty cheesey but most laners will not expect AD Neeko 's damage in the early game and Ignite will help more for the easy first blood. This on hit build was really strong back in patch 9.

Guinsoo's Rageblade is not essential in the core builds due to Guinsoo's Rageblade having a big bug which doesn't proc Neeko 's Shapesplitter empowered autos right. It's been bugged ever since Guinsoo's Rageblade was nerfed to every 3 autos instead of 2 autos. Crit Neeko scales better than the on hit build.

Does This Build Scale? This build also scales way better than On Hit build. With running Gathering Storm , the criticals can deal a lot of damage.

It's easy to scale into the late game due to having most advantages in the laning phase. Killing isn't necessary for the laning phase; but Zoning the Laner from CS and Experience is very necessary. After the laning phase is over. You should be focusing on split pushing, taking objectives, and creating a lot of pressure on the map. Neeko has good clear in the jungle so take enemy jungle camps whenever you can. Cheese Example. Click the image to see the cheese example video.

Summoner Spells. Gathering Storm. Nullifying Orb. Absolute Focus. Abilities As AD. Berserker's Greaves. Plated Steelcaps. Mercury's Treads. Early Game. Thank you everyone who took the time to read my first ever guide! I would really appreciate if you can check out my Twitch Channel anytime if you want to learn more about AD Crit Neeko. Please also remember that this is not a troll pick and can legitimately help you climb to the Goal Rank you're looking forward to.

Neeko's Top Items Zhonya's Hourglass. Horizon Focus. Neeko's Top Runes. Follow Twitter YouTube Twitch.


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