If the Dragonborn accepts, Kesh will ask for a silver ingot , a Deathbell flower, Vampire Dust and a Flawless Ruby to make a special sort of incense. Once these items have been obtained, the Dragonborn should talk to Kesh again to have him make the incense. The Dragonborn will inhale the incense and begin talking to Peryite. He will ask for the Dragonborn to travel to Bthardamz and kill an elf named Orchendor.
After he is slain, the Dragonborn can return to Peryite and claim Spellbreaker. Level Requirement: Level 10 to get the quest from the Afflicted, or 12 to get the quest from Kesh. This quest can be prompted by entering a drinking contest with a mage named Sam Guevenne in the nearest tavern upon reaching level However, the Dragonborn has to find or get approached by certain people in the game in order to piece together exactly what happened as a result of the contest.
At the end of the chain of events, the Dragonborn ends up in the castle of Morvunskar, where they find a portal. Going through the portal transports them to a festive scene, where Sanguine approaches them and rewards them with the Sanguine Rose , which is a staff that summons a leveled Dremora for 60 seconds.
The Wabbajack is a staff, given by the Daedric Prince of madness, Sheogorath. If the Dragonborn cannot find Dervenin, they can go to The Winking Skeever and ask the Bartender if he has heard any rumors. He will then tell about a strange old man walking around Solitude. When the Dragonborn investigates, they are transported inside the mind of the mad king Pelagius.
There, they find Sheogorath, who offers the Dragonborn a bargain: escape Pelagius' mind, and he will return. Upon completion of the quest, he rewards the Dragonborn with the Wabbajack, a staff that when used transforms the target into another creature, summons a minor creature to attack the enemy, summons a lightning cloud, turns the enemy into coins, and more. Speaking to Erandur , a follower of Mara , in the Windpeak Inn in Dawnstar will begin a quest to end the nightmares.
Waking Nightmare involves a visit to the Nightcaller Temple. After following all the quest updates, the Dragonborn will reach the end scene, as Erandur casts a spell to destroy the Skull of Corruption , a Daedric weapon which has been causing the nightmares. The Dragonborn can kill Erandur as Vaermina commands and take the Skull as a reward, or let him complete his spell to destroy the Skull.
In the latter case, he can become a follower. If the Skull is destroyed, however, Vaermina's Daedric artifact cannot be retrieved. Elder Scrolls Explore. Elder Scrolls Online. Events Characters Factions Locations Concepts. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Azura's Star. Azura's Star or The Black Star. Boethiah's Calling. Ebony Mail. A Daedra's Best Friend.
Masque of Clavicus Vile. Speak to Lod in Falkreath Haemar's Shame quest cannot be started at the shrine. Discerning the Transmundane. Oghma Infinium. Ill Met By Moonlight. Savior's Hide. There is no pointer quest or shrine; speak to Mathies in Falkreath about the death of his daughter or to Sinding in Falkreath Jail to start this quest.
Some are weapons, others are defensive, and some are just downright weird. These items become available at various levels of gameplay, and collecting them all has become something of a mini goal in Skyrim. These items expand Skyrim and give information on the world's lore, history, and people. They're also totally unique, and freshen up the gameplay when collecting them at various intervals on the Dragonborn's journey.
The Dragonborn truly appears as a hero from legend walking down the streets of Whiterun with the Wabbajack in hand. Updated on September 19, , by Anastasia Maillot: Skyrim fans are getting a gift that was both unexpected and expected: a special 10th-year anniversary edition of the game. While it's clear the game is far from needing any more re-releases, it's as good as time as any to get back into Skyrim.
Skyrim's most exciting aspect has to be its Daedric quests, which lead to powerful Daedric artifacts. While they all look pretty unique, not every artifact is necessarily as powerful and useful as one would imagine. These additional five have earned their spot among the best Daedric artifacts of Skyrim. This artifact is a special one because players sadly don't get to keep it unless they choose to never complete the quest.
To get it, the player needs to join and complete the Thieves Guild questline. There's a bit of a running joke in the Skyrim community about the Skeleton Key never getting returned due to how useful it is. It essentially removes the need to gather or buy any new lockpicks, so players will simply run around and unlock any doors or chests they need to with the key before finally maybe returning it to Nocturnal.
Made famous by Oblivion , Mehrunes Dagon also makes a brief appearance in Skyrim, where players discover that the pieces of his famous Mehrunes Razor have been scattered in three different locations all around the province. Silus Vesuius, the owner of a museum in Dawnstar, will be the one to ask the Dragonborn to track them down. Mehrunes Razor is a powerful one-handed dagger , perfect for any assassin-type character builds. The dagger can actually kill in one hit if the player is lucky enough, otherwise, it does 11 points of damage.
A haunted house in Markarth will eventually lead players to speak with one of the fiercest Daedric Princes out there, Molag Bal. After doing his bidding, it's possible to get his incredibly powerful and useful one-handed mace. This mace does a multitude of things. To start visit any city or village within Skyrim. As you enter the city a courier will tell you he has been looking for you and has a message, something about a new museum in Dawnstar.
He tells you that the owner is giving out invitations and that you can meet him at his house in Dawnstar. Talk about the museum until he mentions a task for you. Silus will give you a bit of a tour giving you commentary as you look at the cases. After the tour you can ask Silus about the task he has in mind for you. The razor has been split into three pieces and Silus wants you to find them.
Silus then hands you a note on each of the owners of these pieces. Your first stop is Hag Rock Redoubt. Make your way past the Forsworn camp and into Dead Rock Crone. Climb the steps until you reach the top of Dead Rock Crone, head up stairs until you see a spiral stair case.
Take the spiral staircase to the main floor. Pull the level and unblock the wooden exit door. There is also a word wall here that contains Dismaying Shout.
Now you must make your way to Cracked Tusk Keep. This place is filled with Orcs so watch out. Once inside the fortification and after you take down the remaining orcs you have two options, take the unlocked door the the Southwest or the locked adept door to the west. Now you must make your way down to the lower level of the stronghold.
Make your way past the spikes by using the vault key or picking the lock. Now you can open the door to the Cracked Tusk Vaults. Pull the levers to release the spikes that block your path down here. You must travel to Morthal and speak to a man named Jorgen. You can either persuade, bribe, intimidate brawl or pick the locks of his home.
If you chose not to pick the locks he will eventually give you the keys to his house and the chest the hilt is located in. You now have the hilt. Return to Silus with all three fragments. He mentions that he has the fourth and final piece to the dagger and wishes to go to the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon. Once you make it to the shrine you must ask Mehrunes to make the razor whole again. He wants you to kil Silus. If you kill Silus Mehrunes will require you to take on one more challenge.
You must defeat two Dremora that come out of his shrine. Before you begin this quest you must be at least level 20, you also need to complete the quest Dragon Rising which is part of the main quest. You must find Nelkir in Dragonreach and speak to him. Nelkir mentions that the Lady of Whispers in the basement has been speaking to him. Head down to the basement and find the locked door in which the Lady of Whispers is speaking through. She wants you to unlock the door, make your way back to Nelkir.
Nelkir will then tell you that you must speak to either Balgruuf or Farengar Secret-Fire. At this point you can either pickpocket either of these two men or kill Farengar for this key. After you get the key head back down to the locked door. You will notice an Ebony blade sitting on the table and a book warning you not to take it.
The blade is fairly weak to begin with but after you begin killing your friends with it becomes much more powerful as it absorbs their souls. You must be level 30 or higher to start this quest. You will be directed to the Sacellum of Boethiah. Make your way up the mountain speaking to a Priestess of Boethiah, you will have a short conversation with her. You must find someone and convince them to follow you up to the shrine. Make them touch the the Pillar of Sacrifice and then kill them with a ceremonial dagger.
Boethiah will take over the victims body and mentions a new task. She says the task will go to the one who exceeds the rest. After you slay them Beothiah will the posses another body, she mentions yet another task. She wants you to kill everyone at Knifepoint Ridge, she wants you to do this in a stealthy manner.
Once you approach Knifepoint Ridge slay everyone there and then clear out the mine located there. Make your way through the mine as stealthy as possible until you reach the Champion of Boethiah. Slay him anyway you can.
After he dies loot his body of the Ebony armor and equip it to finish the quest. I got the rose staff way easier than that…. A Guide to Daedric Quests in Skyrim. The Skyrim Fansite Guide to Daedric Quests Throughout your adventures in Skyrim you are sure to come across some strange and mysterious beings.
Quest: The Mind of Madness To begin this quest you must seek out the old beggar named Dervenin; he is easily recognized by his lack of eyes. Sheogorath will then transport you back to the Pelagius wing of the Blue Palace. Quest Complete. Quest: The House of Horrors In order to start this quest you must visit Markarth and witness a murder in the market and then exit the city.
Quest: The Cursed Tribe Before you start this quest you must be at least level 9. Quest: The Only Cure In order to begin this quest you must be at least level The ingredients go as follows: Vampire Dust — Located in any Alchemy shop in town. Deathbell Flower — Located in any Alchemy shop in town. Flawless Ruby — These are usually sold by merchants in the Hold capital cities.
Once you have all four ingredients return to Kesh. Kesh will take the ingredients and begin to mix them, you must now inhale his concoction. The aspect of Peryite will now begin to speak to you. After asking Peryite about the task he mentions a plague which infected a few Breton villages.
He sent a monk named Orchendor to lead the afflicted to Bthardamz but instead Orchendor betrayed Peryite. Peryite wants you to find and kill Orchendor, you should then ask what you would receive in return for doing this task; Peryite mentions a Dwemer shield. Make your way to Bthardamz and make your way down the stairs, activate the second level which removes the gate from your path.
You can now enter Bthardamz Upper District. Head north through the district and either use a picklock on the novice lock or make your way around two areas containing some Afflicted. Go down the hallway past a room and down a slope to the piston chamber. This chamber is filled with Afflicted.