Since the earth is spinning at once a day too, it seems like the satellite is just parked in space above a specific spot. All communications satellites sit up above the equator and their orbital slots are described by what longitude they are positioned. There are three other satellite locations that have been used. The left most one is , which is in the process of being phased out. That one has been retired. DISH has two satellite fleets. One sits out near the west coast of the US and one is essentially over South America.
These two fleets together give strong coverage over all of the US. This means they have almost unlimited channel capacity if they want it. The following multiswitches are no longer available:. In many cases, a dish problem can be solved by replacing only the LNB and not the whole dish.
This is not only cheaper but also easier. This is an excellent way to upgrade to 4K or to take an older dish and upgrade it to SWM technology to make installation easier. Only Slimline dishes can accept an upgraded LNB. Older dishes should be completely replaced.
This LNB is the easiest to install and aim. It comes in SWM 1-wire and Legacy 4-wire versions. The SWM version supports up to 8 devices find out more , and the Legacy version can be combined with a multiswitch for virtually unlimited receiver use. This LNB is recommended for commercial installations and for some local markets. This LNB can support up to 13 devices find out more.
This LNB can support up to 21 devices find out more. With these LNBs, you have everything you need to receive 4K programming. Your suggestion that I reset my connection unplug and wait 30 seconds and replug improved my reception imediately. Next I checked my settings and had it reset per your instructions and now my reception is great. If an old woman like me can handle this anyone can. Thank you so much for your assistance.
From the comments I see below many should just call a service technician. I found the article very easy to understand and use but I also have many years in antennas that help me understand it. If I didn't know anything about azmith and bearings or a compass I can understand how difficult it can be. Please, direct me on what to do before my budget time expire.
My movie stopped right in the middle of my movie. I have hit all the buttons requested and they say they are resetting the satilite but a half-hour has passed with no change. I have a portable system for my RV. It would not be cost effective to call a tech out everytime I move my RV. Your instructions were concise and easy to follow. After rebooting the receiver sat tv came on! My wife thinks I am real hero! Of course I work with aviation Sat tv which made it easier to understand.
Suggest a note to unplug the receiver and let it reboot. Thank you very much! I don't know a 54 from a in the signal strength screen. I guess I shoot for the highest numbers and hope for the best? Dont align your own dish. Cant tell you how many times I have been to a house where the owner had issues with signal, tried to align the dish and made things worse. There are 3 sats for HD and you are not using all the transponders you see on your TV screen.
You could be dead on the and way off the and then your out half your channels. The tuner levels are of no use to you when aligning. Call your provider. Im a tech. I can align your dish in under 3 minutes, know how to work on a ladder safely and can tell you if your problem is actually alignment. FYI its almost never alignment. The internet is full of bad info from people who think they know how to do this.
Lots of former techs. Satillite techs make grest money and theres barely any education involved. So if they say they used to be a tech and arent there is a great likelyhood that they werent very good at it otherwise they would still be doing it.