Which daylight savings is better

Sure, your phone, computer and cable box are going to automatically update, but what about that clock on your microwave? Your oven? Or the one on the wall by your desk? Avoid confusion and annoyance, for that matter by turning the clocks ahead one hour beforehand. The best way to prepare for the lost hour of sleep is to build up to it. For example, starting several days before the time change, make sure your family members are in bed 15—30 minutes before their regular bedtimes.

Armed with the true daylight saving spirit, consider executing energy-saving tips for your home. Who knows? Finding a reliable home repair contractor is important. Learn what questions to ask to screen contractors before work is ever done and how to evaluate the repair.

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January 6 committee wants to talk to at least 5 members of Pence's inner circle. In an effort to avoid the biannual clock switch in spring and fall, some well-intended critics of DST have made the mistake of suggesting that the abolition of DST -- and a return to permanent standard time -- would benefit society. In other words, the US would never "spring forward" or "fall back. They are wrong.

DST saves lives and energy and prevents crime. Not surprisingly, then, politicians in Washingto n and Florida have now passed laws aimed at moving their states to DST year-round.

Congress should seize on this momentum to move the entire country to year-round DST. In other words, turn all clocks forward permanently. If it did so, I see five ways that Americans' lives would immediately improve. Lives would be saved. Read More. Simply put, darkness kills -- and darkness in the evening is far deadlier than darkness in the morning.

Never mind that heart attacks are much more likely to come in the winter and early spring than any other time of year, period. Statistics like that are pretty easy to twist to your liking. In reality, DST is an eight-month experiment designed to make life, well, more pleasurable for humans. The basic idea: In the Western world, we typically spend more awake time in the evenings than in the mornings. We also enjoy many benefits from being awake in the sunshine.

This National Institutes of Health overview is a good place to read about vitamin D, increased exercise, increased socializing, and overall improvements to mental health that come with sunlight.

Absent DST, for eight months per year, our days would not be structured to enjoy the most sunlight possible. Absent DST, for eight months per year our days would not be structured to enjoy the most sunlight possible. Our mornings would be bright and cheerful, but the sun would tend to be set before we leave work each day.

This stinks! This gives the average adult very little time to enjoy sunlight. So during the spring, summer, and early autumn, we tweak it, just a bit, so that there's more sunlight in the evening. In the winter, we abandon DST, because there just isn't enough sunlight to make a difference. Winter is pretty much a dark hellworld no matter how it's scheduled.

Winter DST would give us a very very late sunrise and not enough light in the evening to provide the effects we want. So let's talk benefits. A new paper from the Brookings Institute finds that there's a 7 percent decrease in crime following the shift to DST.

Those estimates involve medical costs, prosecutions, police expenses, that kind of thing. The reason is simple: crimes tend to happen much more often in darkness. For me, personally, the items in the Benefits section above are more important to me than they used to be, and the things listed in the Costs section are less important than they used to be.

Most of my clocks including computer and cell phone automatically adjust, so the transitions are less and less annoying every year. Email me amitp cs.


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