Please read this part again. A constant spamming of greater heal won't happen because it is far more efficient to spam Flash Heal and Penance to hit that cap faster and also stay within the rapture cap too. And since crit is unreliable it will be very rare that the cap will even be reached. Stackability is already a non issue because of Weakened Soul. Spamming greater heal is a non issue because of the cap imposed by the Divine Aegis change.
Allowing a secondary buff to having a triple crit Penance is something that the 51 point talent really needs. Because even our flash heal won't be enough to stack it fast enough within a boss fight where the tank will be taking way in excess of 3, damage per hit.
The only problem i can see is when we triple crit penance and then PW:S. Post by This post was from a user who has deleted their account. Post by karlusdavius How often do you heal with Greater Heal personally i use flash heal and Penance.
My penance is critting at around 5k. If a greater heal critted then great. But if a flash heal critted after that, your greater heal DA would be overwritten, if i'm correct. Your arguing on your own topic about asking for a 2 and 4 piece set bonus in tier gear, yet you want to use greater heal?
It will be a massive improvement for the tools we use the most. Post by karlusdavius To be honest? Again, ill need to test it fully, but if it isn't the case then again, there is no reason why Divine Aegis shouldn't stack your right, except for the fact that they might be worried about multi Disc Crit heals stacking the Divine Aegis buff, but again the fact that even before i brought this up we weren't stackable means that if this were to be implemented, the Priest with the highest Spellpower's Divine Aegis is the one that will be active.
Post by Samanosuke To be honest? I tested it just now. Divine Aegis procs on overheals. The tooltip for DA and Rapture say the exact same thing when it comes to healing, but what isnt stated is effective versus noneffective healing. However, I still see no reason why DA doesnt stack considering the shield amount is in lieu of Disc's actual healing.
However there are a couple of easy fixes to this Either that or just allow multiple stacks of Divine Aegis on a target you see multiple little icons, each representing it's own shield and leave the timer the same or even decreased.
Learn more. Is there tool similar to CXF wsdl2java can generate client code for aegis? Ask Question. Asked 8 years, 8 months ago. Active 8 years, 8 months ago. Viewed times. Improve this question.
Joe Wu Joe Wu 1 1 gold badge 8 8 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Daniel Kulp Daniel Kulp When you pair it with a Rejuvenation Rack, the item becomes quite nice imo. It just sucks that you need a second red and a specific one at that or stacks of healing items to make good use of it.
Hopefully it becomes more interesting with the addition of more items to the game. Last edited by Jenkem Junkie ; 23 Jul, pm. Boksha View Profile View Posts. Topaz Brooch is just pretty broken right now, but even compared to, say, Infusion, Aegis is a bit lackluster. For most characters, that's barely 3 Infusions at level That means that this is the only red that really doesn't have an effect until you get to 5 stacks. I think Aegis should allow you to either heal Shield not the Topaz stuff, I mean the blue health bar or just offer a flat Armor buff.
It's called Aegis. It's a shield. Why not make if just decrease a flat percent of damage or have something to do with shield?