Xantec Xantec Who knew there were so many Mary Poppins!! I think these are two different questions, her umbrella flew her. Kevin I tend to agree, but when I think about it I can't remember a time when she was flying without the bag.
Is it possible that the bag did the flying, and the umbrella was just for stability? Pureferret dunno. I didn't add that tag. Show 5 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Schroedingers Cat Schroedingers Cat 7, 2 2 gold badges 27 27 silver badges 46 46 bronze badges. Add a comment. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password.
Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. Upcoming Events. In the morning, she has a small burn on her cheek from the sun's kiss. Poppins wasn't just one book but many The first was published in , a decade after Travers moved to England where she spent most of her life.
The movie merchandising included Walt Disney's Mary Poppins books. They out sold the real Poppins books Jane Banks and P L Travers not only fed the birds, they became birds In Mary Poppins Comes Back , the second book in the series, Jane Banks refers to herself as a hen who has just laid "seven lovely white eggs and I am sitting with my wings over them brooding.
As an adult, she collected china hen ornaments. Why are Mary Poppins feet often shown in a turned out ballet position? Travers was a dancer when she was in her teens and although she wasn't trained as a ballet dancer she knew all the positions of the feet and she danced as Titania in a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Poppins has flown all over the world Mary Poppins has been translated into 17 languages. In the Mary Poppins books, Mr. Banks is the patriarch of the family who is so obsessed with his working life that he doesn't have much time for his children. Travers believed that Mary Poppins came to the Banks family to save Mr. Banks from his unfulfilled life and to make him realize that family was his real priority. I was a nervous flyer so he had the plane done out like a sweetshop.
When the seatbelt sign went off, we could sell candy to our mum. I was startled, on the first day, when we were taken to the prop department and a plastercast was made of my bum. It turned out to be for the scene where we slide up and down the banister.
The cast was made into a seat that fitted under my clothes. When a button was pressed, off we went like we were on a Stannah stairlift. My dad was working in London and we only saw him once during our time away. So Dick Van Dyke became a father figure to me. He was like a big baby — he would muck about on the sidelines and then, as soon as the camera started rolling, put on a straight face. But I'd be piddling myself laughing and couldn't get myself together, meaning there were many retakes.
It was an emotional time for Julie Andrews as she was in the middle of a divorce, but she still managed to really send things up with Dick, especially the scenes with the cartoon animals. Because the special effects were filled in later, we had these large, sweaty prop guys in braces dancing about with cut-out horses and penguins to show us what was going on.
They both tried hard not to cuss in front of us children. There were so many retakes of the Supercalifragilistic scene that we got sick of the toffee apples we were supposed to be eating.
So the prop guys would let us order whatever flavour we wanted for the next day's shoot. We got through raspberry, chocolate, even cinnamon, and then after two weeks just gave up.