How do you witness to a mormon

I would say though really emphasize the assurance that you have of your forgiveness from God and ultimately, eternal life or your eternity to come with God. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. We as Christians can be sure of our right standing before God. We can know that we will spend eternity with Him not based on our works but by His grace.

Kimball, The Miracle of Forgiveness, p. Confidently and lovingly share this with them even if you are going to have them in over a longer period.

Be prepared to explain what you believe from the Bible. Mormon Missionaries today are easily as quick as any Christian will be to talk about Jesus. They will genuinely talk about how central He is to their faith, and how much they desire to follow Him and proclaim Him to all.

Again this is very genuine on their part, however this is where really having a good biblical grasp of the doctrine of Christ and a little background information on Mormonism can really help.

In coming to the earth He laid aside His glorious position as God and became a man, going through the humiliation and pain of the cross, returning back to the glorious position He already held. All things were made by Him and For Him Colossians In Mormonism Jesus is the firstborn son of our heavenly parents. He held the position of being a god in the pre-existence by virtue of being the firstborn, however He had to come to earth to gain a physical body and prove Himself worthy of exaltation in order to be fully exalted after the resurrection.

Jesus went back to the Father, a god in the fullest sense, which could not be said for His state when He left the Father. In response to the common evangelical charge that Mormons believe in a different Jesus put together this comparison.

Historically the Jesus Mormons follow is the same, however theologically they are worlds apart, be careful to make this distinction and really communicate to them the differences and why they are so important. Gordon B Hinckley the 16th Mormon Prophet said this:. The traditional Christ of whom they speak is not the Christ of whom I speak. He together with His Father, appeared to the boy Joseph Smith in the year , and when Joseph left the grove that day, he knew more of the nature of God than all the learned ministers of the gospel of the ages.

What we believe about Jesus counts in an eternal way. This is the most important area that you can communicate to a Mormon. They will say you can know this too by reading the Book of Mormon and praying to ask God if its true. If you have an internal feeling when doing this they will say that this is confirmation from God that their faith is true.

They will take you back to the verse and say you need to go back with more sincerity and real intent and ask again. This cycle is, in theory, a never-ending one.

I would suggest that when this comes up you take them to Acts and read this:. The response is that many believed. I would suggest simply telling the missionaries that you will use that same method with the Old and New Testament to check the validity of what they are saying.

This is by no means an aggressive response nor is it intended to be, this is usually accepted by them with no problem. This one is simple; just make sure any points you make are actually points about what they believe and not simply something a critical person or website has said without full possession of the facts of Mormon belief.

Many Mormons have different views of things, and of course the easiest way to know where your missionaries stand is simply to ask them. So again just simply ask them. Often the biggest hindrance that can arise in witnessing to Mormon missionaries is just that sense of doubt that they would ever respond anyway. There are two things to note here. First, they may well not respond in their time of meeting with you.

Leaving Mormonism is a massive cultural shift not without its consequences in family and social circles. Secondly it actually does happen. Mormons even while on their mission have become Christians.

Space here does not permit the wealth of examples and wisdom of Smith's book on witnessing to Mormons. We highly recommend you read it through before you start. Donations to the mission fund are processed for us by PayPal. You can use a credit card or PayPal account. Please use the "Donate now" button below to be redirected to PayPal to make your donation by credit card or your PayPal account.

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Privacy International Resellers. Toggle navigation Toggle navigation. Here's how you can witness to Mormons:. Check your motives before starting discussions. Make sure that your motivation for discussing spiritual matters with Mormons is real concern for their spiritual well-being and eternal destiny. Don't view Mormons as foes or approach them with hostility. Never mock them, demean their beliefs, or try to manipulate them. Realize that even though you may disagree with Mormons, you can do so with respect and civility.

Ask God to give you a genuine love for them as people and a willingness to genuinely listen to what they say - even to the point of learning something from them - as you discuss each other's beliefs. Try to speak words of life to them, as Christ would speak. Get to know the life of Mormon founder Joseph Smith. Seek to understand the person on whose claims Mormonism rests. Smith, whom Mormons view as a prophet divinely ordained to restore Christ's church on Earth, spent his life immersed in the occult beliefs and practices.

His life was also rife with behavior that impugns his character. And historical data suggests that today's official version of his "First Vision," upon which the doctrines of the Mormon church are based, is fraudulent.

Understand challenges to Mormon scripture. In fact, Native Americans are of Asiatic origin. Know that Mormons have not been able to verify other claims in their scriptures such as the Book of Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price, and Doctrine and Covenants , and that scholars have pointed out inaccurate information, mistranslated text, and erroneously interpreted drawings in Mormon scriptures.

Recognize revisions to the Mormon faith. Understand that Mormons have changed their accounts of some of what they claim to be revelations from God over the years. They haven't been consistent with the details of what they say is true. Tactfully point out some of these consistencies to open up dialogue on the issues they raise. Understand the difference between monotheism and polytheism. Recognize that, while traditional Christians say there is only one God, Mormons assert that there are many gods.


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