How do cannons work in tekkit

What followed was essentially a rediscovering of everything that made me enjoy minecraft so much in the first place — the sense of discovery. I think by far my favourite addition in the tekkit pack is the inclusion of basically being able to make factories, automate tasks, and do all sorts of other ridiculous things which would normally be completely unimaginable.

My current setup is able to take items from a chest, process them, anad then separate them out before putting them into separate furnaces, all powered from a generator hooked up to a giant battery. We just wont go into how much materials it took to make everything, but its so worth it!

Look how awesome it is! It also doubles the ingots you get if you put in raw ore. Dil has been having some similar fun off on the other side of the map, playing around with the new quarry stuff which allows for automated digging and piping of materials. ME Cable. ME Import Bus. ME Export Bus. ME Level Emitter. ME Storage Bus. ME Interface. ME IO Port. ME Wireless Access Point. ME Dark Cable.

ME Storage Monitor. ME Power Relay. ME Transition Plane. P2P Tunnel. Spatial Pylon. ME Pattern Encoder. ME Partition Editor. ME Condenser. ME Bus Memory Card. Matter Ball. Certus Quartz Ore Unmined certus quartz. Certus Quartz Crystal Quartz crystal with qualtiies that allow it to store energy. Quartz Grind Stone Block which when used with a crank, can grind many ores and crystals into dusts. Great Plugin! I have put the permission node: tekkitcustomizer.

Can you please test it and report back if it is a bug or something else I have to do. Same happens if the server is shut down, editing then saving the configuration.

I cannot save my own customizations. A lot of players said that they would like to see the default banned IDs from the list, instead of just the "reasons for default bans" page on the Tekkit Customizer page. Not all of the items aren't listed as a reason on the page that currently exists. You can say that they don't need to know, because when they craft or use the item, it will tell them why, but then they would complain about wasted resources.

I had to paste the default IDs on a website for people to see. What's your approach to this problem with your servers? I'm not sure what's the best way to deal with this problem. I understand your point about the value of having a recipe ban as an option. There are three issues:. Many Tekkit-specific recipes can't be banned, due to issues with Tekkit. So you have the same problem with those items - you put them in the ban list, but there are still ways for players to get them.

They always apply for the entire server, so it's impossible to make an exception for a specific world, or for specific players even ops via permissions. When a recipe is banned, there's no opportunity to inform the player who wants to craft the item about the reason for the item being banned.

So basically, I'd be giving you all a feature that sounds good on the surface, but which doesn't work as well as you'd expect, and creates problems of its own as well. You once had a "recipe ban" that banned the entire recipe of an item so it could not be crafted anymore. Are you going to add this feature again,maybe instead of the "crafting ban"? Cause the way I understand is that "recipe ban" will ban the recipe used for making that item,therefor the item won't be available to be crafted by any crafting table or phil stone,something that the current "crafting ban" doesn't.

Can you further explain the reason for your ask regarding permissions? Are you talking about item confiscations? What's the functionality you're trying to make happen on your server that isn't working out for you? Keep in mind that players will be devious, and find ways to get the items they have inside your allowed areas outside, and vice versa. Pistons, teleport pipes, tnt cannons, item dropping, placing in chests which are outside the area, standard pipes, and more.

It's very common for folks to have problems with plugin config files which result in the config file being reset. The most common mistake is putting a TAB instead of spaces when you want to indent a line - and some text editors automatically add tabs when you press ENTER at the end of a line. Unfortunately, it's not fixable with pastebin because we can't see the difference between tabs and spaces there. Try searching the internet for a tool which will validate your YML file, and use that before you try to upload your config file changes to your server.

CurseForge Register Sign In. Download Latest File. Tekkit Customizer. X Table of Contents. Configuration An entry in the config file config. Rollback Post to Revision RollBack. Mceonith Tracking player movement as they walk around is unfortunately extremely risky for server performance, so I don't do that. Please help me fix this. SmoothNanners Assuming you're not on a very early version of the plugin, when they try to craft a banned item, they will get the reason for the ban in game.

ServerMiner Please see troubleshooting permissions section above. Thank you. Last edited by ServerMiner : Dec 8, There are three issues: Many Tekkit-specific recipes can't be banned, due to issues with Tekkit. Emilweihe1 It's very common for folks to have problems with plugin config files which result in the config file being reset. Apply To Selected. Posts Quoted:. About This Project.


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