Can you use advocare while breastfeeding

So I take a prenatal vitamin and the Omega Plex from Advocare. He was impressed with the fiber drink and commented that it was one of the best over the counter fiber supplements he has seen. I use it almost every day!

I also use the meal replacement shakes sometimes as snacks instead of a meal , snack bars, rehydrate. I've had so many friends find success using products during pregnancy, breastfeeding and beyond!

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Newest First. Violation Reported. RAB, Thanks for this post! But do you know if everything else is safe to take while nursing? Because supplemental niacin transfers to breastmilk, and large doses of niacin can be harmful to the liver, breastfeeding mothers should try to stick to the recommended amounts.

Vitamin B6 Amount in product: 6. May be listed as: Pyridoxine Daily Allowance for Breastfeeding Mothers: Recommended: 2 mg Upper limit do not exceed : mg Supplemental Use: Vitamin B6 deficiency is uncommon, but breastfeeding mothers with limited diets may benefit from B6 supplements. No adverse effects have been reported from high amounts of vitamin B6 in food.

Vitamin B6 supplements in large amounts above the UL have been associated with nerve damage. During breastfeeding, folate supplements are only needed if the mother is malnourished. Transfer to Breastmilk: Supplemental folate does not affect the levels in breast milk.

Vegetarian mothers, especially vegans, should take supplemental B12 during pregnancy to make sure their babies have sufficient stores after birth. Large doses of vitamin B12 seem to be nontoxic but are not recommended for regular use. Transfer to Breastmilk: Levels in milk correlate with the mother's plasma levels, but supplementation seems to increase the amount in breastmilk only if the mother is vitamin B12 deficient.

Transfer to Breastmilk: Biotin actively transfers into breastmilk. Pantothenic Acid Amount in product: May be listed as: Vitamin B-5 Daily Allowance for Breastfeeding Mothers: Recommended: 7 mg Upper limit do not exceed : Not established Supplemental Use: Pantothenic acid is present in almost all types of food, and a normal diet provides sufficient amounts.

Supplementation is not needed. Pantothenic acid deficiency probably only occurs in cases of life-threatening malnutrition. High doses may cause diarrhea. Transfer to Breastmilk: Pantothenic acid levels in breastmilk appear to correlate to the mother's dietary intake, but supplements may not greatly increase the levels if the mother is already well-nourished.

May be listed as: Zinc salts, Zinc gluconate, Zinc acetate, Zinc oxide, Zinc sulfate Daily Allowance for Breastfeeding Mothers: Recommended: 12 mg Upper limit do not exceed : 40 mg Supplemental Use: Because zinc absorption is lower in vegetarian diets, breastfeeding mothers who are vegetarian may need to take zinc supplements. For women in the US, the average zinc intake from food is slightly lower than the recommended daily amount for breastfeeding mothers. Amounts higher than the UL can cause nausea , vomiting , loss of appetite , abdominal cramps , diarrhea , and headaches , and may deplete copper levels in the body.

Transfer to Breastmilk: Levels in breastmilk are not affected by zinc supplements. Inositol Amount in product: 3. Possible Side Effects: May cause nausea , tiredness , headache , and dizziness.

Taurine Amount in product: Possible Side Effects: May lower blood pressure. Possible Side Effects: Drinking large quantities of cranberry juice can irritate the stomach and cause diarrhea. Cranberry contains high amounts of oxalate, which may contribute to kidney stones , especially when cranberry is taken in concentrated forms such as supplements made from cranberry extract.

Cranberry also contains significant amounts of salicylic acid, a chemical similar to aspirin. Large quantities of cranberry might cause allergic reactions in people who are allergic to aspirin. Possible Side Effects: May decrease blood sugar levels , especially when taken in combination with other herbs that lower blood sugar. May slow blood clotting , which can lead to increased bleeding and bruising, especially when taken in combination with other medications or herbs that also slow clotting.

Possible Side Effects: Milk thistle may have a laxative effect , and can cause other gastrointestinal side effects like nausea, bloating, gas, loss of appetite, or a feeling of fullness.

May decrease blood sugar levels , especially when taken in combination with other herbs that lower blood sugar. If your baby is healthy, skip the "What to Do" section.

Go directly to the topic number that relates to your question for advice:. Disclaimer: this health information is for educational purposes only. You, the reader, assume full responsibility for how you choose to use it. Copyright Is Your Child Sick? Breastfeeding questions. Call Now Can't wake up Not moving or very weak You think your child has a life-threatening emergency Call Doctor or Seek Care Now Age less than 1 month old and looks or acts abnormal in any way Dehydration suspected.

No urine in more than 8 hours, dark urine, no stool for 24 hours, very dry mouth and no tears.


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