Can you media blast fiberglass

Naceur Sonderhoff Pundit. What is soda blasting media made of? A properly formulated soda blasting media is made of Sodium Bicarbonate that is manufactured to be in a consistent, larger crystal size. Marharyta Fourmy Teacher.

What materials can be sandblasted? Materials which can be Sandblasted:. Plastics Steel. Melcion Carpentier Teacher. What size compressor do I need for soda blasting? Mattin Ziff Teacher. Can you soda blast plastic? Soda Blasting : The Bad. Arkadi Wijnhoven Teacher. Does soda blasting kill mold? Baking Soda Blasting actually kills mold spores and removes mold growth from virtually any substrate. As in smoke removal , the soda absorbs the odor during the process.

Sodablasting for mold removal does not damage the surfaces, walls, wood etc. Pansy Uggias Reviewer. What medium is used in Vapour blasting? Sergio Fernando Reviewer. What does dustless blasting use? The Dustless Blaster works by mixing water and abrasive inside the blast tank. By introducing water, we're drastically increasing mass and energy the machine is putting out, while supressing dust. Dustless Blasting suppresses the plume of dust, allowing you to work almost anywhere with minimal containment.

Malick Yepes Reviewer. Is glass bead blasting safe? Glass beads can be safe compared to other blast medias. In particular, glass bead blast media can be a good alternative to silica sand depending on your application, which while silica sand is still legal it is becoming more regulated and is recognized as a source of a variety of health problems including silicosis.

Touraya Barresi Reviewer. Sponge Jet, currently the only manufacturer of sponge blasting gear and media, claims there is a 90 percent reduction in dust compared to most other blasting methods. Joe Sharpe says it's more like 80 including compared to soda blasting , which is still mighty impressive. Second, the media can be recycled. A big part of any sponge blasting job involves shoveling spent media into a sorting machine that shakes the bejesus out of the little dirty sponges and separates contaminants from reusable media.

Depending on the job, the media can be recycled from 3 to 15 times. Third, because there is much less rebound with sponge, it can be used in jobs where blasting must be performed in close proximity to fragile features. For example, Tony Anni of Sponge Jet, who tells me sponge-blasting is currently making big inroads in the superyacht market, described a recent job in which a large yacht needed its topsides and superstructure stripped and recoated.

In a situation like this, Anni explains, where windows, brightwork, and other features cannot be easily removed, sponge blasting is ideal. Another advantage, points out Sharpe, is that less rebound is much easier on the operator. Where an aggressive blast with a media like sand or steel grit requires a user to wear leather for protection, a very aggressive sponge blast can be performed in a light Tyvek jumpsuit.

Sponge can certainly be used on fiberglass boats, as it can be every bit as gentle as soda, if not more so. But, as Joe Sharpe points out, in most cases with a glass boat soda blasting is still preferable. Blasting a glass boat with soda, he explains, is normally faster. Also, soda is more green than sponge and it is easier and cheaper to dispose of the waste. The main reason Joe wanted to sponge blast my boat was that I ultimately decided we had to strip both the paint and the barrier coat off the bottom.

Lunacy 's original owner couldn't remember exactly what barrier coating he put on over 20 years ago, and it seemed a bad idea to build a new surface on top of an unknown quantity. This meant the bare aluminum would need some sort of profile in order to accept a new barrier coat.

And Joe's rule of thumb when choosing a blasting media is fairly simple: if no profile is required as when stripping a glass boat down to gelcoat he prefers to use soda; when a profile is called for, he likes to use sponge, because it is more controllable. In my case, where we wanted a profile of somewhere between 2 to 4 mil, Joe selected a mix of and grit Silver Sponge media impregnated with aluminum oxide.

Before he went ahead with a full blast, Joe first blasted three sample patches with different profiles. It was precisely because we used sponge to blast the hull that this sort of exactitude was possible. For any sort of job like mine, where you really need to dial in precisely how aggressive a blast is, sponge is definitely the way to go. These are NOT the sounds you want to hear as you trailer your boat to the launch ramp. I was about a mile away from the ramp at the time, and looking in the rearview mirror I immediately noticed Betty Jane, my Mystic 20 Catboat, was now riding a good deal However, it recently occurred to me Following a taco dinner and brief nap at anchor, the Swan 59 Icebear set sail from Falmouth, Antigua, weighing anchor at about 20 minutes to midnight.

The first passage of the season had begun. After all, how can you pick a highlight on, say, Day 2? I broke that rule, though, on a recent sail through the Exumas, the chain of Bahamian islands that extends in a southeasterly direction Brown completed the But the resin finish isn't as hard, and can be damaged with the baking-soda process if done improperly.

Sometimes cars have what Porter refers to as "rotten 'glass," and that can be a problem for soda blasters. The minute you blast that area, it looks like you blasted cardboard," Porter says. This would be an area that needs to be repaired, because it can affect the paint further down the road, resulting in a much more costly repair and repaint.

After the blasting process, a residue remains that acts as a natural rust inhibitor for steel, preventing flash-rust for long periods of time depending on your regional humidity and proximity to the ocean, of course.

While this coating is also on the fiberglass afterwards, its rust-inhibiting properties obviously don't come into play there. It's this coating that has earned soda blasting a bad name. Soda has a pH value of 8. If the body isn't thoroughly washed, problems with paint adhesion will result down the road. Just like mixing and applying paint or body filler, there is a proper procedure that has to be followed to make the product work properly. As a dust, the soda can be blown out with an air gun, but no matter how thorough you are, it will remain in really hard-to reach areas.

It's water soluble, however, so a thorough power washing will completely dissolve any powder that remains. Initially, end users used straight water, or added vinegar or some other chemical to neutralize the soda, but it didn't get the job done not to mention that vinegar and water would flash-rust metal pieces in hours.

Soda Works, the equipment supplier Porter uses, recommends using a chemical called "Holdtight ," a food-grade, environmentally friendly chemical that changes the surface tension of water "so it can microscopically remove contaminants from substrate," says Porter. It also contains a flash-rust inhibitor and salt remover.

After power washing the car with the Holdtight solution, you have a tohour window to get steel pieces in primer before it starts to flash-rust; fiberglass doesn't require any other special care. Soda Works trains its technicians to thoroughly wash and neutralize the soda prior to giving the vehicle back to the customer.


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