And while most AD carries would prefer to play high-impact marksmen, sometimes you have to take one for the team. Then, there is the state of the game. In fact, he was so dominant that the last three patches brought nothing but nerfs to him. And yet, despite these hits, Ezreal keeps showing up in the bot lane—simply because of the insane versatility he brings to the table.
Finally, you should always look at the numbers. Ezreal players also tend to die the least out of the meta AD carries, as evidenced by their And did we mention that the champion has the second-highest damage per minute of ? Ezreal is one of the best champions to round out your team composition. He brings a potent mixture of damage and utility, and great players can use his versatile kit to take over games. He can hold his own against most lane bullies, and his ability to avoid poke and skill shots allows Ezreal to be independent from his support.
Of course, he has a hard time keeping up with most meta AD carries in the late game. But considering that League of Legends matches are often decided before then, he still provides a solid power spike for most pros to work with. So the next time your favorite team locks in Ezreal, you might actually want to bet on them to take the win. DraftKings Promotions DraftKings vs. Esports News LoL Esports. Esports Betting How to bet on Esports. Valorant Betting — The best betting sites for your Valorant bets.
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Top Betting Sites. Betway Bonus Review. Extremely hard matchup until you get some items! Draven beats you 1v1 and most 2v2 scenarios! Focus on scaling because you hard outscale him and if hes not fed he will be useless later on!
Buy gauntlet and maybe even tabis vs him! Ezreal is one of the ADC's that does not struggle vs poke varus as you can poke back just as good! You can also dodge his ult very easily! Skill matchup, she can get free mana off you Q's with her E but if she does this, she is able to get CC'd by your support!
I only pick ezreal with bard since he likes to roam ezreal can play safe very easily and farm with Q. Join or Log In.
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Updated on November 3, Build Guide By tokyodamonsta Follow. Guide Discussion 7 More Ezreal Guides. Did this guide help you? If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. You can even win prizes by doing so! I liked this Guide. I didn't like this Guide.
Vote Comment. Comment Would you like to add a comment to your vote? Thank You! Stream is Offline. Runes: Standard. Spells: 1 2 3. Standard Flash. Ranked 28 in ADC Role. Items Starting items. Doran's Blade Health Potion. Optimal first back. Tear of the Goddess Sheen. Core items.
Divine Sunderer Manamune Serylda's Grudge. Boot options. Ionian Boots of Lucidity. Late game items. Maw of Malmortius Death's Dance. Situational Items. Quicksilver Sash Executioner's Calling. Against Heavy AP. Mystic Shot Q Q. Essence Flux W W. PokemonYoutube posted And he doesn't even make up for it by being amazing in the lategame like Jinx, Twitch and Kog'Maw.
I am so done with Ezreals. A fed ezreal is a nightmare too. GT: WiestdaBeast. They only play him because they don't have to get in too close and he has a built-in Flash on a decently short cooldown. User Info: Zanaki. If my support locks in something stupid like lee support I'll usually go Ez so I can peel for myself and safely farm. As long as an Ez gets really good farm he'll be ok late game. But depending on your elo its very likely he'll end up useless. He's far from the best adc but he isn't the worst.
A game of league just feels weird when you don't have to report anyone afterwards. User Info: kkeevv. Sheen is a stronger power spike than BF sword at less gold. Why exactly is Ezreal losing lane? Ezreal double spikes around 20 minutes, which means at that point he should be the strongest thing in the game assuming no one got fed as hell.
Net: Tsarius User Info: HipsterSora. Especially when the next item is going to be another mana item that doesn't offer anything besides that mana sustain while your enemy laner is picking up more attack speed?