Why do fighting fish lose their color

Along with the loss of color, other symptoms of stress include loss of appetite, lethargy, rubbing against surfaces in the tank, laying on the substrate, and gasping for air at the surface of the aquarium. Like any other tropical fish, betta fish need stable aquarium parameters.

They require 0 ppm ammonia, 0 ppm nitrite, and minimal levels of nitrate. Any amounts of ammonia or nitrites can lead to ammonia poisoning or nitrite poisoning, which can quickly damage the internal and external surfaces of your fish. This pain will undoubtedly cause your fish to stress out and eventually lose color. If the temperature in the tank is allowed to fluctuate daily or is not set to the right level then your fish can also become stressed out over time.

Water parameters can also fluctuate if water changes are done improperly. Water changes should always be done with water that has matching parameters to those already in the tank, including temperature; too large of a fluctuation can cause the tank water to change too fast for fish and invertebrates to adapt.

In the same way, new water should match the aquarium temperature to ensure that a temperature swing is not caused. Your betta fish may also lose color if you perform an especially large water change, even if all the parameters match. Lastly, you will need to consider any medicines, chemicals, or additives being added to the aquarium. Bettas can be very sensitive, even so much so that some hobbyists have pinpointed aquarium salt to be the cause of their betta turning a different color!

As long as all instructions are followed on the given additive, then the betta fish should make a full recovery. An injury will always cause a fish to stress out; their immune system becomes compromised and usually, they get a secondary bacterial infection or disease as the result of a superficial injury. Fin rot can also cause a change in colors, most often on the fins.

If the betta fish has fin rot , the edges of the fins might appear to be turning white, black, or brown; tattered and drooping fins are also a telltale sign of fin rot. If you notice that your fish is developing white spots on its body along with faded colors, then it is best to assume you are dealing with a parasite of some type, either ich Ichthyophthirius multifiliis or a species of Oodinium.

If it very common for new fish to lose their color when placed into a new tank; this is simply due to the stress of being transported and introduced into a new and unfamiliar setting. It is usually best to keep the lights off for a couple of hours in the tank to keep stress levels down.

If your new betta changes colors when placed into your aquarium, there is usually no need to worry and coloring should begin to return in a couple of days. Betta fish can also lose their colors if their current tank is changed too much too quickly; this would mean changing around the aquascape, introducing a tank mate, or just having your hands in the tank for too long at once. As long as your fish is given some time to relax afterward, then your betta should regain its color in a couple of days as well.

Columnaris is a bacterial infection in bettas that can cause white spots, ulcers, frayed fins and other nasty symptoms. If the betta fish turning white also starts developing a slightly fluffy appearance, it could sign this infection.

Once identified, this illness is easy to treat with a supplement you can add to their food. We like BettaFix antifungal and antibacterial treatment for an affordable solution that heals ulcers and restores healthy scales.

No one wants to see a poor stressed betta fish turning white, so review the following tips to give your betta the very best conditions and make sure you are helping it thrive. A solid routine and healthy diet can even help your betta to grow more colorful than ever. Although bettas are considered a low-maintenance fish by some, the truth is they can be once they have been given an ideal environment that will help them thrive.

A tank that is too small or too crowded will have many adverse health effects. At least five gallons for a single betta is ideal, and a filter helps keep the water cleaner for longer.

Plants also act as a natural filter, help reduce toxins in the water, and give your betta a comfortable place to rest. If you see your betta losing color, invest in a heated tank to keep the tank a toasty 78 to 82 degrees for a happy, healthy fish. If your betta is already healthy, and you want to unlock its full color potential, color enhancing diets can bring about the most dramatic results.

Bettas are natural carnivores, so looking for foods high in protein , including brine shrimp or salmon to their diet is an easy way to bring out their natural beauty and prevent them from losing color. Taking care of a betta can be challenging but watching them grow vibrant and colorful is a truly rewarding experience.

A sick betta fish turning white can be a scary experience, but with treatments like BettaFix widely available, you have the power to keep your fish at its fighting best.

Deep and bright colors are as simple as a clean and healthy tank and high-quality foods as part of a healthy carnivorous diet. If you want to find out more about anchor worms, then check out this article! If you think your betta is suffering from ich you can find out more about it here. If your betta is quite pale naturally and they become stressed, they can easily begin to look white. If you think your betta is stressed you can find out how to treat them here.

This will be even more apparent if the fins look frayed or damaged. When fin rot is left untreated it turns into body rot. Learn more about fin rot. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can improve your bettas color.

One of the best solutions to most of your bettas problems is too improve the water quality. And there are a number of ways you can do this. The reason big tanks are better is that it takes longer for the water parameters to change. The easiest way to think of this is that 1 gallon of water will go colder a lot quicker than 10 gallons of water. You also want to make sure that they have a filter and heater. Here are some great choices.

Or buy fish food containing it! Daphnia is another great choice if you want to give your betta some more color. Along with other types of crustaceans, daphnia is a great source of carotenoid pigments, which are the pigments that can affect your bettas color!


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