Since we know the meaning of college, when we come to the second sentence we have no difficulty understanding what kind of credits John has - college credits. College as a noun and college as an adjective cannot have altogether different meanings.
They mean the same in both cases! And yet men who should know better tell us that the Greek noun 'aion' means an age, or ages which is TIME, and then proceed to explain how the adjective form of the same word, "aionios", means exactly the opposite - unending, everlasting, ETERNAL! A child of ten should be able to understand that is not so.
The adjective 'aionios' modifies two nouns in Mat. It tells what kind of punishment and what kind of life Jesus is talking about. Let me explain. Anything that changes in any way is not eternal, for in the change some ind and a new one acquired.
In every change something ends and something else begins, at least in form. Change is possible only in that which is limited, imperfect, or not fully developed.
Thank God! The life of God that has been deposited in us, which is His Word, is perfect and will never change. The manifestation of that life, however, is subjected to a process limited by our understanding of His Word. The manifestation of that life is in a limited, imperfect, underdeveloped stage, and in some measure immature. This is why Paul said in Rom ,.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
God has dispensed that life into us in a time frame and through a process of time with its experiences and revelations, the spiritual life may be perfected and matured and brought to the fullness of that which HE HIMSELF IS. Complete eternal security is known only by the overcomers who have fully and forever conquered every vestige of the world, the flesh, and the devil, having been conformed into the image of the Son.
The inference is clear It is life that has come by the quickening of our spirit by His Spirit, giving a new beginning, and the potential to become, in due time, all He is. But I am sure all of us must confess that there is much progress to be made in our lives and much growth and much transformation to be experienced yet before we stand in Him in the fullness of that life that needs no change and no further development.
Only faintly now do our eyes behold the splendor of that ETERNAL REALM which lies before us, but if we approach softly with reverence and godly fear, the Lord of glory will meet us and will be a Father unto us and we shall be the Sons of God in whom the Father shall unfold the fullness of His life, mind, will and glory. Paul told Timothy in 1 Tim ,. However, this is not a name it and claim it proposition. The laying hold on eternal life kind of faith is this.
We know that as the continual unveiling of His Word to our understanding renews our minds we are being changed into His Image. This is a process that He puts each of us through to purge us from the world. This process cannot be bypassed by Faith. Rotherham's New Testament says, "These shall go away into age-abiding correction. Young's Literal translation says, "And these shall go away to punishment age-during.
How sobering are these meaningful words of truth,. The two hands of God represent two aspects of God's dealings, two ways in which He moves and acts to accomplish His purposes. A key to this vital truth is found in the words of David in Ps. God has two hands, one of verity, and one of judgment.
It means the quality or state of being true. Thus we see with one hand He is bringing forth truth and with the other hand of His judgment He is moving to bring us into harmony with truth. What beautiful co-ordination in all the works of His hands! Every time God initiates a new phase of His purpose, He then brings forth the measures needed to bring us into alignment with that purpose. But if corrective measures are needed He will stretch forth His left hand and bring negative forces into action to teach us the necessary lesson.
In speaking of the corrective judgment brought upon Israel by Babylon, the prophet cried in Jer. John saw the power and love in His mighty right hand in Rev ,. In the one hand is Babylon, a golden cup of fury and judgment, a vessel of wrath. And in the other hand we see seven stars, light bearers, positive ministries, vessels of mercy with a quickening word, through whom He shall reveal His truth and glory to all nations! That "all things are of God" is declared over and over again in the Bible.
Did not the Lord say to Pharaoh, that wicked man of rebellion against all that was of God Rom ,. These carnal little heads of ours cannot ascertain the infinite wisdom of God's mind. God is in all things, and is responsible for all things, including all the so-called evil things as well as good things. Is it not a fearful thing to say that evil is of God?
I would not be surprised if some of the compatriots of the prophet Amos may have thought he was speaking blasphemy when by the Holy Spirit he said in Amos ,. They much prefer to believe, as the harlot system has taught them, that God created good, and the devil created evil!
And He said to her, "What do you desire? She said to Him, "Grant that these my two sons may sit one at Your right hand and one at Your left hand in Your kingdom. Was the request by James' and John's mother referring to positions of authority in the third heaven where the Eternal's throne resides? If James and John flanked Jesus in heaven, whichever one sat on his left hand would separate him from the Father and put him in a position of lesser authority in the universe.
This would contradict many scriptures that clearly declare his supremacy of power and rule under the Father see Matthew , etc. The motherly request was almost certainly referring to the kingdom Jesus would set up on earth to rule humans often referred to as the Millennium.
After all, he did promise the disciples they would sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel Matthew , Luke Part of the problem is that those who followed Christ expected his kingdom to be set up during their lifetimes and not in the distant future after their deaths Acts In conclusion, the Bible reveals that no one sits on God's left hand.
This situation is likely to continue into the ages yet to come see Revelation The right side of a man is the side on which God "marches" when assisting him in battle Isa. Related to the opposition strengthweakness is the opposition good luck-bad luck, which seems to be represented in Ecclesiastes ; as interpreted in the Hebrew commentary of H. Ginsberg: "The wise man's mind tends to his right i. Parallels from other cultures are very numerous.
Perhaps the most common usage of right and left in the Bible is as a merism meaning "everywhere, in any direction. Aside from "path," "instructions" e. In the same way, the verbal forms "to go right" and "to go left" are used together meaning "to depart from in any way" II Sam.
The meaning "everywhere" is also very common for this merism I Kings ; Isa. Gordon, Ugaritic Textbook , —64; cf. Cassuto, in: Tarbiz , 14 , ; Y. Plessner, in: Folklore Research Center Studies , — Wald, The Doctrine of the Divine Name , 66— Sources: Encyclopaedia Judaica.
All Rights Reserved. Download our mobile app for on-the-go access to the Jewish Virtual Library. Category » Jewish Concepts. Angels and Angelology. Articles of Faith. Assignment of Debt. Barrenness and Fertility. Bigamy and Polygamy. They argued that spiritual authority pursues different ends and uses different means than temporal authority.
Our works in the left-hand kingdom do not save us, and our status in the right-hand kingdom is not a blueprint for politics. Our own day has its own confusions of these two kingdoms. The Reformers point us back to Scripture to learn the truth: God uses temporal rewards and punishments in the left-hand kingdom, but faith can be created only through the means of the right-hand kingdom.