Its sedative and anesthetic effects are trance-like. Also known as angel dust, killer weed and supergrass, among other slang terms, PCP is sold in a variety of forms including tablets, capsules and colored powders. It has a distinctive bitter chemical taste. PCP can be snorted, smoked, injected or swallowed. It is most commonly sold as a powder or liquid and is applied to a leafy material such as mint, parsley, oregano, tobacco, or marijuana when used for smoking.
At low to moderate doses, PCP can cause distinct changes in body awareness, similar to those associated with alcohol intoxication, as well as generalized numbness of the hands and feet and poor muscular coordination. At high doses, PCP can cause hallucinations as well as seizures, coma, and death though death more often results from accidental injury or suicide during PCP intoxication. Speech is often sparse and garbled. PCP has sedative effects, and interactions with other central nervous system depressants, such as alcohol and benzodiazepines, can lead to coma or accidental overdose.
PCP, or phencyclidine, is a dangerous drug that was originally developed as an anesthetic. Its use was discontinued in humans in because of the troubling side effects.
It is now illegal in the United States. In its pure form, PCP is a white crystalline powder. It dissolves quickly in liquids but has a distinctive, bitter chemical taste. Most PCP sold in the United States comes as a white or colored powder or liquid and is added to leafy substances such as oregano, mint, or marijuana and smoked. PCP also can be sold in pill, tablet, or capsule form to be swallowed.
In some cases, PCP users snort the drug or mix it with a liquid and inject it with a syringe. PCP affects the user's memory, ability to process emotion, and learning ability. Using PCP may make you feel:. People who use PCP can get psychologically addicted to it.
This means their mind is dependent on PCP. They are not able to control their use of it and they need PCP to get through daily life. Addiction can lead to tolerance. Tolerance means you need more and more PCP to get the same high. If you try to stop using, you may have reactions. These are called withdrawal symptoms, and may include:. Treatment begins with recognizing there is a problem. Once you decide you want to do something about your PCP use, the next step is to get help and support.
Treatment programs use behavior change techniques through counseling talk therapy. The aim is to help you understand your behaviors and why you use PCP. Involving family and friends during counseling can help support you and keep you from going back to using relapsing.
If you have severe withdrawal symptoms, you may need to stay at a live-in treatment program. There, your health and safety can be monitored as you recover. Medicines may be used to treat withdrawal symptoms. At this time, there is no medicine that can help reduce the use of PCP by blocking its effects. But, scientists are researching such medicines. Call for an appointment with your health care provider if you or someone you know is addicted to PCP and needs help stopping.
Also call if you are having withdrawal symptoms that concern you. Iwanicki JL. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; chap Kowalchuk A, Reed BC. Substance use disorders. Textbook of Family Medicine.
National Institute on Drug Abuse website. What are hallucinogens? Updated April