In order to stop this war, Lysistrata came up with the original plan, which she shared with other women of Athens. To make this plan work, all women had to agree with each other in order to stop the useless war between Athens and.
Lysistrata and the Peloponesian War Many comedies of this time period explore issues that were of importance to those people. Lysistrata is no different. It explores issues relevant to the time period in which it was written. Aristophanes uses the Peloponnesian War to illustrate the differences between the men and women of the time period.
As Lysistrata begins, the women are gathering for their meeting with Lysistrata. They gripe and complain about how late the others are for the meeting. Lysistrata was a political satire written by Aristophanes in early B. The connection between Lysistrata and the society and culture surrounding it is deeply significant. With the Peloponnesian War continuing to lead a seemingly endless reign of chaos over Greece and its citizens, these elements of fear and despair.
The satirical comedy known as Lysistrata was written in B. This raunchy play depicts a group of women from all over Greece who come together to try to force their husbands to make peace. In Lysistrata, Aristophanes depicts Greek women challenging male authority through their own femininity in a comic and light hearted way. Wether or not Aristophanes was trying to challenge male authority or was simply making a joke out of women is unclear, but it is easy to note what ancient Greeks thought of women simply by how they depicted in Lysistrata.
Throughout the play the women. Lysistrata is a comedy written by Aristophanes. Lysistrata, the main character leads the protest against the Peloponnesian war around BC by assembling a group of women willing to refuse sexual contact with their partners. Kinesias has a full erection and is desperate for his wife. Myrrhine refuses to have intercourse with Kinesias until peace exists between Athens and Sparta.
Kinesias tells Myrrhine that her child needs her, he needs her and he loves her and Myrrhine pretends to listen to his frustrated pleas.
Myrrhine hints that she might make love to Kinesias, but delays by going repeatedly into the Akropolis to fetch things to make the couple comfortable. As Kinesias promises to only think about a treaty of peace for Athens and Sparta, Myrrhine disappears into the Akropolis and leaves her husband in great pain. A Spartan Herald approaches the Akropolis and he, like Kinesias, suffers an erection. The Spartan describes the desperate situation of his countrymen and pleads for a treaty. Delegations from both states then meet at the Akropolis to discuss peace.
At this point, all of the men have full erections. Lysistrata comes out of the Akropolis with her naked handmaid, Peace. While the men are fully distracted by Peace, Lysistrata lectures them on the need for reconciliation between the states of Greece.
Lysistrata reasons that because both Athens and Sparta are of a common heritage and because they have previously helped one another and owe a debt to one another, the two sides should not be fighting. Using Peace as a map of Greece, the Spartan and Athenian leaders decide land rights that will end the war. After both sides agree, Lysistrata gives the women back to the men and a great celebration ensues.
In BCE the two sides declared a truce, but when the Corcyreans asked Athens to assist in their war against Corcyra and a fleet was sent in their aid, the Athenians were soon engaged in hostilities with the Corinthians. The Corinthians then asked the Peloponnesian confederacy at Sparta for help. The Spartans determined that the Athenians had broken the truce and decided to war against Athens. The truce between the two countries was openly broken in BCE, in the 15th year of the truce between Sparta and Athens.
Sparta's strength was in land and Athens strength was in funds. The Athenians were able to pay foreign sailors to command their naval fleet. The Athenians had more financial resources than the Spartans. Athens was the Greek center of commerce, politics and society. Athens faced many problems during the war. There was a lot of corruption among Athenian leaders and the government was finally overthrown in BCE.
The group of men who overthrew the government attempted to form a dictatorial government and make peace with Sparta, but the Athenians then overthrew these men. Athens was then defeated by Sparta. The war was devastating to Athens and it is clear that Aristophanes wanted the states to make peace. It has been suggested by several critics that Aristophanes chose to make women invade and capture the Akropolis because they were the lowest beasts of Greek culture.